Category Archives: Uthmin

A Favor to Ask of You…

by on in Uthmin.

I have a favor to ask of you. But before I do, I want to give you some context.

13 years ago, I signed up to be a Small Group Leader for a middle school small group at North Point Community Church.

On the one hand, I loved it.

Since I spent the rest of my week as a teacher and a coach, I loved getting to be a different kind of character in a student’s life on Sundays.

I loved only having a few to be responsible for.

I loved getting to take part in the program instead of being in charge!

But I was also frustrated.


Happy Launch Day!

by on in Uthmin.

Hello Middle School Ministry tribe!

This has been a long time coming. I am so excited to finally get started.

A couple of years back, a few of us dreamed of putting together a place where Middle School pastors could gather, share ideas, discuss ministry strategies, and engage in the community we tell our students is so important.

Let’s face it; ministry can be a lonely job. Middle school ministry can be even lonelier.

We could all use some quality time with some quality people that do what we do.

That’s why we set out to create Uthmin.


What is Uthmin?

by on in Uthmin.

Here’s a question. When it comes to Middle School Ministry, and figuring out how to do Middle School Ministry better, where can we find the best ideas?

Seriously… think about it.

Where can we find the best ideas about how to do Middle School Ministry?

I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately.